

"Traditional" training measures very often don’t match the interests and capacities of low-skilled and disadvantaged young people. They ignore the special needs of poorly qualified adults and strengthen the negative self—image of the target group. The integration of sports activities into basic skills education in counselling and adult education will have a three level impact:

  • The interest of learners can be increased by integrating sports activities into learning since sports activities attract the target group.
  • Sport contents match the interests of the target group.
  • Sports environments provide the students with a learning environment that is not associated with their negative school experience, fear of continuing failure and discrimination.

The concept matches the use of the sporting interests of the target group with the use of sports as an underlying pedagogical methodology.

The project "GOLDEN GOAL PLUS" aims at:

  • Sensitizing and informing VET teachers working with disadvantaged persons about the possibilities to introduce the Golden Goal concept into their teaching practice.
  • Transferring, adapting and validating the Golden Goal concept (guidelines, curriculum as well as exercises and training materials) to Germany, Portugal and Poland.
  • Modifying these contents by taking into account not only linguistic aspects, but also sociological and cultural aspects in the three target countries
  • adapting the materials by adding didactic guidelines for VET teachers and trainers how to introduce these materials within the framework of existing teaching schemes

The introduction of sporting activities into learning concepts enables training providers to reach a new target group that has been, until now, reluctant to participate in conventional education.


  • Handbook with Toolbox for Introduction of sport activities into basic skills training enriching the respective contents
  • Training materials
  • Project website
  • Multiplier Conference

Impact envisaged

The basic result of the project is the implementation of Golden Goal experiences in Germany, Poland and Portugal.

The project supports tutors working with hard-to-reach young adults. It gives the tutors new methodological knowledge, which results in better preparation of young people for job life.

englisch deutsch francaise polen portugal niederlande